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Showing posts from September, 2017

Online Lottery Tickets

Lottery Pools - What They Are and How They Work Have you ever seen one of those mega lottery jackpots giving away hundreds of millions of dollars and thought, "I'd be happy if I could just win a fraction of that amount?" If so, a lottery pool might be for you. Lottery Pools Defined: Lottery pools are a way of getting  better odds of winning a lottery  without having to pay more money for tickets. A group of people chips in money to buy lottery tickets with the agreement that if they win, they will split the pot. So each participant will receive less money than if he or she had bought the ticket themselves, but they also get better odds of winning in the first place. How Lottery Pools Work: Here's a simple example: your office lottery pool has 50 members. Each of your coworkers contributes a dollar. The lottery pool manager then buys 50 $1 lottery tickets and holds them safely until the lottery drawing. Now, let's say that Play online lottery pool w

Overweight is complax

It should be so simple; calories in, calories out. If you eat more than you burn, you gain weight, if you eat less than you burn, you lose weight. Right? Wrong. Obesity and overweight are counterintuitive; So here are some facts about what they are NOT: -Obesity and overweight hide in plain site: Most obesity is NOT recognized by physicians or the public. -Most obesity is NOT in America. -Overweight and Obesity did NOT start in the past 30 years. -Most doctors do NOT know how to treat obese and overweight patients and are NOT trained to do this. -It is NOT a problem of simply eating too much. -it is NOT a single disorder: there are possible 100 or more clinically meaningful subtypes this recognition is essential to solving the problem -Almost 100% of all obese and overweight patients fail when trying to lose weight on their own. Patients need to be in a weight loss in Philadelphia program for accountability and guidance. Obesity and Overweight are counterintuitive: S